Identifying your Brand Personality

The word "brand personality" refers to how a brand is expressed in terms of human attributes and characteristics. Age, gender, socioeconomic status, and psychographic, mental, and socio-graphic characteristics may all be factors.

Every brand aspires to have a distinct personality. It makes them memorable, distinguishes them from the competition, and links them with their customers. Every long-lasting brand that you can remember has a distinct personality. In addition to its practical advantages, a brand's personality is a psychological merit.

Classifying the personality of your brand

You'll be a fish out of water and won't last long if you take your brand to market as a faceless company with the personality of a wet fish. If you want to interact with your audience in today's consumer-driven environment, you need to know who they are and how to reach them effectively.

Customers are bound to buy a brand if its character is like their own. There are five distinct types of brand personalities, each with its own set of characteristics:

  • Excitement: young, spirited, and carefree

  • Sincerity:generosity, gentleness, and a devotion to family values

  • Ruggedness: rough, strong, fashionable, and competitive

  • Competence: leadership highlights achievement, accomplishment, and power

  • Sophistication: elegant, wealthy, and occasionally self – centered

  • The brand personality of an organization should not be confused with its imagery. The imagery of an organization is a compilation of artistic assets that communicate the brand's tangible benefits.

Understand your brand archetype

Since they reflect the spectrum of basic human motives, archetypes are fundamental organizing patterns that everyone unconsciously understands. Archetypes are symbols that transcend time, culture, and personal meaning and can be found in tales, literature, myths, religions, or dreams.

If you're creating social media content, for example, you can use your brand personality as a test to see if what you're going to share is "on brand." Your brand personality, when conveyed continuously over time, generates an emotional bond in the minds of your audience, similar to how we get to know someone and form an image of them in our heads.

In order to create brands, strategists use brand archetypes because,

  • It's easier to grasp and recognise the brand if it's aligned with an archetype. It builds on what is already well-known and appealing.

  • Archetypes aid in the identification of your target group and the most appropriate means of communicating with them. You may talk directly to the adventurer, founder, or caretaker within each of us by tapping into our deepest motivations.

  • Archetypes are naturally aspirational, encouraging customers to establish their own identities while living vicariously through a brand. They reflect how we want to be seen in the world, inspiring us to believe that if we buy some Nikes, we can be heroes, or that if we send anyone fine chocolates, we can have lasting love.

What is the personality of your company? Gather your team in a room and find out!